
Tuesday 29 March 2011

Paleo-style Pancakes!

I can't get enough of these things! They are so dang tasty! The consistency is pretty simiar to a pancake made with traditional flour, but almond flour is the new tradition, 'round here!

1 egg
about 1/2 cup almond meal
splash of vanilla
bit of cinnamon (or pumpkin pie spice is yummy too)
small handful of flax seeds
optional - a few pieces of smooshed fruit, berries are my fave

1) Mix everything in a bowl.
2) Heat a pan with a bit of coconut oil, medium heat.
3) This batch makes 2 small-medium sized pancakes.
4) Flip to other side after about 3-4 minutes or golden brown.
5) Once cooked, top with fruit, almond butter, honey or pretty much whatever you can think of!

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